Typhochlaena seladonia
-Brazilian Jewel


Common names: Brazilian Jewel Tarantula | Candy Shop Spider | Jeweled Pink Toe

Adult Size: Males 3 to 4cm, Females 4 to 6cm

Type: New World, Arboreal, Dwarf, Trapdoor

Growth Rate: Medium to Fast

Temperament:  Not for beginners. Docile and Calm.

Lifespan: Unknown

Origin: Babia/Sergipe Brazil

Recommended Climate: 26-30°C (Summer), 20-24°C (Winter)

Recommended Humidity: 75-85%

Basic Enclosure Requirements: Arboreal setup with at least 4 x the size of the spider in vertical space, 5cm to 10cm of substrate. The enclosure must have good cross-flow ventilation with vertical structure of any kind as these arboreal tarantulas tend to create intricate webbed homes of their own. Don’t forget the customary water dish.

Photo Credit: www.spidersworld.eu & www.palpfrictiontarantulas.com

Video Credit: Martin Hüsser, birdspidersCH

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


Scientific Name: Typhochlaena seladonia

Common names: Brazilian Jewel Tarantula | Candy Shop Spider | Jeweled Pink Toe

Disclaimer: We have added our Not for beginners caution because these spiders are reportedly very sensitive when smaller and incorrect housing requirements could kill this precious  and expensive spiderling.

If you haven’t heard about this tarantula yet, you’re in for a treat. Arguably the most beautiful and desirable tarantula of them all, with characteristics that make it super-adorable and attractive to all hobbyists. Not only is this expensive (currently +- $500) beautifully colored tarantula an arboreal species, but it’s also a dwarf species reaching only a few centimetres in size. It’s also uniquely a trap door species, creating perfect little camouflaged trap-doors to live beneath and stalk it’s prey. Although arboreal, they will create shelters on dead trees or locations close to the ground as well, or wherever they feel is comfortable and access to passing food is good.

They will strip small pieces of bark and plant material from around their chosen housing location and build a perfectly camouflaged trap door using their silk and the collected supplies. They then lay in wait, pouncing on anything that gets too close to the trap door. We’ve also heard that they may create a small silk trap that lays just in front of the trap door which they run inside their hide like a pull-net. When a passing prey item gets snared in the trap, they whip it under the trap door and enjoy a juicy meal.

When it comes to looks, this tiny tarantula punches with the heavyweights… It has the widest variety of colours we’ve seen on any tarantula so far, with everything from reds, pinks, blues, greens, yellows and everything in between. Add it’s chunky appearance with it’s raised bulbous abdomen to this mix, and you have a tarantula that is simply gorgeous, desirable and adorable. Mature males vary in color from the females, but otherwise exhiit typical pink-toe type males features with longer legs, a smaller abdomen and of course it’s palpal bulbs. We’re not sure about the tibial hooks/spurs as yet but will update this page when we find out.

The Brazilian Jewel  is also reported to be extremely docile as well, exhibiting it’s annoyed bum rubbing wiggle to push away potential threats, but they can also move very quickly and will bolt and jump to freedom if it decides that’s the best course of action, so make sure to work in a space where it can’t fall too far in the case of a skydiving attempt. Hopefully captive bred specimens will become more and more available so that prices will also drop, making these more accessible in the hobby, because we want 10!