Psalmopoeus victori
-Darth Maul Tarantula

Adult Size: 12cm to 14cm

Type: New World, Arboreal (No urticating bristles like other Psalmopoeus)

Growth Rate: Fast

Temperament: Not for beginners. Defensive, fast and aggressive if provoked.

Lifespan: Females (10 to 12 years) | Males (2 to 3 years)

Origin: Veracruz, Mexico

Recommended Climate:  26-28°C (Summer), 22-24°C (Winter)

Recommended Humidity: 70-80% with good ventilation

Basic Enclosure Requirements: Arboreal setup with at least 4 x the size of the spider in vertical space, 10cm to 15cm of substrate, a vertical shelter like hollow cork bark or bamboo and a customary water dish.

Photo Credit: Chase Campbell

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


Scientific Name: Psalmopoeus victori

Common names: Darth Maul Tarantula | Mexican Half and Half

Psalmopoeus victori is the first arboreal tarantula described for Mexico and so far North in South America for the Psalmopoeus genus. Females have very unique coloration as far as tarantulas go, with orange/red setae/hairs on the rear half of the tarantula, including the abdomen leg pairs 3 and 4. The other half of this unique Psalmopoeus species made up of mostly dark grey with slight green tones visible, but a lot less of the orange/red setae/hairs present.

Males are once again slightly smaller and have an overall dully grey appearance. Slings are mostly dark grey with a reddish “glow” around the carapace. They have the familiar striping on their legs seen with other Psalmopoeus slings as well as the light colored “sock” just above their tarsi/feet.

This is classed as a new world species but is very Old World by definition. No urticating bristles are present on the abdomen and as with all Psalmopoeus species is suspected to have a pretty potent venom, possible even medically significant as with the venom from Psalmopoes cambridgei, used for the development of Psalmotoxin and is being researched as treatment for various human ailments. Even though they are no commonly used, this species also have stridulating organs in their fangs as seen in many Old World species (creates the hissing sound).