Scientific Name: Kochiana brunnipes
Common names: Dwarf Pink Leg
Kochiana brunnipes is a beautiful burrowing dwarf species from Brazil. Covered in velvety blacks with mostly pinkish/orange legs, this is a very attractive little spider. When we say “little” we mean it, the slings (spiderlings) of this species are about 3mm to 4mm in size, making them one of the smallest slings out there. From young they are raised on feeders as small as springtails and then move on to flightless fruit flies., but they eat well and grow at a medium pace.
As obligate burrowers, your enclosure should have a terrestrial setup but with enough substrate to allow for burrowing, which isn’t very much with a full grown adult size of only 6cm with this species. Sadly, being burrowers means they aren’t out in the open all the time, but they are very keen hunters and you will often see them at the mouth of their burrow or hide with their pinkish/orange legs sticking out, waiting for something to grab. They are feisty eaters and will tackle prey of a decent size too, but once they have it under control, they will slowly lug it back inside the hide or burrow where they will continue munching.
Their nature is generally docile and are easy to keep and care for, they can of course be very skittish and bolt for cover when feeling frightened or threatened. We don’t suggest this species for beginners but they are by all means docile enough for beginners to try, care will just need to be taken caring for and feeding such a small species, which might prove a little more difficult for a beginner to manage.