Scientific Name: Ceratogyrus sanderi
Common Names: Namibian Horned Baboon | Sandy Horned Baboon
Africa has the coolest old world baboon spiders of them all, why? Because they have horns! One of the most beautiful tarantulas found in Southern Africa is Ceratogyrus darlingi – Rear Horned Baboon, very popular with tarantula hobbyists all over the world and a truly gorgeous baboon spider to see in person, especially in their wild environment. America also has a horned baboon tarantula names Sphaerobothria hoffmanni – Central American Horned Baboon spiders, but that’s the only american horned species to our knowledge.
Ceratogyrus sanderi is no less beautiful and a fantastic baboon spider in it’s own right. They are a gorgeous amber-gold and olive color all over their bodies, which is pronounced and made even more beautiful by a stubby black horn on the carapace and black spotted patterns on their abdomen. The pattern on the abdomen is sometimes referred to as the “skull” pattern and is seen on other old wold tarantulas like Heteroscodra maculata – Togo Starburst Baboon spiders.
Caeratogyrus sanderi is a fossorial / burrowing species, spending most of their time in deep burrows to make sure to supply plenty of deep substrate which should also be kept on the dryer side. These are aggressive spiders when it comes to feeding time, they will wait at the mouth of their burrows for any poor feeder item to cross it’s path. They move with amazing speed and will grab the feeder item and bot back in their burrows before you can blink.
Sadly illegal to keep or own in South Africa, they are a beautiful species of baboon spider and should be added to your collection if you are an old world tarantula fan living outside of South Africa.