New products in store now is proud to announce some new goodies for all tarantula hobbyists.
We now stock UltraPET’s 600 gram compressed peat bricks / peat blocks that can be placed in water and thawed out to create about 7 or 8 litres worth of clean organic peat substrate for use in your tarantula enclosures or vivariums.
We are looking at other substrate options that are small enough and light enough so that we can keep our shipping rates as low as possible for all our customers.

Environmental Accessories
We now stock 2 in 1 Thermometer / Hygrometers (with and without probe) so you can keep an eye on the climates inside your enclosures.
Looking to build an incubator or just want to automatically control the temperatures in your enclosures? We now also stock the popular STC1000 automatic control units as well as ceramic heat emitters and a full range of foil heating mats.

We’ve also updated our range of enclosures with clear stack-able 2L ice-cream tubs, helping you keep larger amounts of juvenile terrestrial tarantulas until they are big enough to move in to their final homes.