How to tell the difference between Lasiodora parahybana, Lasiodora klugi, Lasiodora difficilis
Tarantula Information

How to tell the difference between Lasiodora parahybana, Lasiodora klugi and Lasiodora difficilis.

There is a lot of confusion and cross breeding with Lasiodora species in the tarantula hobby and we should always endeavour to breed the right males with the right females.

Lasiodora males will inter-breed with any female and this is why we have hybrids in the hobby. I though to put this together to help people better identify the differences between Lasiodora parahybana, Lasiodora klugi and Lasiodora difficilis. A lot of people with Lasiodora klugi – Scarlet Bird Eaters seem to think they have Lasiodora parahybana – Salmon Pink Bird Eaters. These pics should help you identify your specimen a little better. Also,you might already have a hybrid. The images I used here are quite accurate to each species in my experience.

Ladiodora parahybana – Salmon Pink Bird-Eater

Lasiodora parahybana is a chocolate brown tarantula with light pink hairs that maintain the same pink tone over the whole body. The carapace, legs and abdomen all have the same dark chocolate brown appearance. The setae/hairs over the whole body and also the fringe around the carapace are all the same light colour of pink.

Lasiodora klugi – Scarlet Bird-Eater

Lasiodora klugi, Abdomen setae/hair is much more red than the setae/hair on the legs and carapace fringe. Carapace and femurs look black on these tarantulas, there is also less setae/hair on the black femurs, but lots more setae/hair from the patella/knees down to the tarsi/feet.

Lasiodora difficilis – Fire Red / Brazillian Red Bird-Eater

The biggest giveaway with Lasiodora difficilis is the “ash” colour that covers the carapace. The adomen setae/hair starts red and becomes pink towards the spinnerets. Setae/hair on the rest of the body is all light fluffy pink. The carapace and leg undertones are ash/silver compared to Lasiodora klugi and Lasiodora parahybana. The body in General is not as dark as Lasiodora parahybana or Lasiodora klugi. Much more setae/hair in general and looks more “fluffy/fuzzy”.

We hope this article helps you identify Lasiodora species a little better in future.

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