Caribena versicolor
-Martinique Pink Toe

(1 customer review)

Previously: Avicularia versicolor

Common Names: Antilles pinktoe, Martinique pinktoe, Martinique red tree spider

Adult Size: 13 to 15cm

Type: New World, Arboreal

Growth Rate: Medium

Temperament: Docile but Bold / Cheeky.

Lifespan: Females (11 to 12 years) | Males (2 to 3 years)

Origin: Caribbean, Martinique

Recommended Climate: 26-28°C (Summer), 20-24°C (Winter)

Recommended Humidity: 70-80% with good ventilation.

Basic Enclosure Requirements: Arboreal setup with at least 4 x the size of the spider in vertical space, 5cm to 10cm of substrate. The enclosure must have good cross-flow ventilation with vertical structure of any kind as these arboreal tarantulas tend to create intricate webbed homes of their own. Don’t forget the customary water dish.

Photo Credit: Isaiah Rosales, Chase Campbell, Danny de Bruyne

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Common Names: Antilles pink toe | Martinique pink toe | Martinique red tree spider

Scientific Names: Caribena versicolor (Previously: Avicularia versicolor)

Considered to be one of the most beautiful showpieces in the tarantula hobby with it’s vibrant hues of color. Previously named Avicularia versicolor, the Martinique Pink-toe remains an absolute favorite of many keepers, especially fans of arboreal species. Another absolute must for any collection.

Although a little more cheeky than it’s pink-toe cousins, this tarantula remains docile and a total pleasure to own. Absolutely adorable to watch as beautiful fluffy blue slings, they build silken hammocks as high as they can, from which they eat and grow rather well.

Take care when working in their enclosures, we aren’t the first to have experienced one of these little delights jumping on to you while you work, don’t panic, they usually jump right off again as they don’t seem to like human trees.

1 review for Caribena versicolor
-Martinique Pink Toe

  1. Armand Britz (verified owner)

    Thank you very much. Packaging was excellent. Stickers included. T’s arrived healthy. I will defenately order from you again. P. S. Thank you for the freebee.

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