Pink Zebra Beauty coming soon!
Eupalaestrus campestratus – Pink Zebra Beauty Slings have been off the market for a few years, but they return to us now thanks to a well respected local breeder!
Truly a docile species, we rate these right up there with Chaco Golden Knee Tarantulas when it comes to great options for beginners. They’re hardy and live long lives, growing very slowly between molts so you can expect to have these in your collection for years to come!
Slings are currently at 1 instar (nymphs) and will be molting to 2nd Instar (spiderlings) in the next few weeks. You can expect to see these tarantulas for sale very soon, so keep your eyes peeled for this post to update and get your hands on a few fantastic little Pink Zebra Beauty Tarantulas.